Abagail this post says it all for those who are “awake” and get frustrated and angered by the world that has colonized, oppressed and dehumanized so many … you speak to love over hate and courage over fear. Thank for these words and images, the art is of Rothko powerful in its simplicity and depth. ❤️

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Thank YOU Karen! And I just love Rothko, he’s the inspiration behind my work with color. There is so much simplicity on canvas and yet a depth and breadth of emotional experience that maybe cannot be expressed through spoken language. His work felt appropriate for the magnitude of what I’ve felt and been unable to articulate re: our current state of the world. I think there are many and more and more like us who feel this way…hopefully we can propel change.

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Yes the color and simplicity reminds me of when we provide sound healing journeys that touch deeply and move us beyond language.

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A beautiful, inspirational, powerful, poetic, real talk, epic call to arms for all of us, Abigail.

As per usual, we are on similar wavelengths. My next piece out shortly has "Stream of Consciousness" in the author's note as an explanation for channeling a few extra long pieces recently. Great minds something something ; ) Very nicely done, also as per usual.

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Thank you so much for your thoughts Sam, yes, hopefully it’s not just us. It feels that more and more of humanity is waking up to this and wanting change. I will have to check out your piece!

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Most welcome Abigail. Indeed more are waking up to narcissists. I just hope enough do in time so we don't elect a malignant one out for revenge as president again.

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Yes let’s hope!

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